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The Ministry of Economic Development has given the green light to the electric power route created by Terna for the new high-voltage direct current interconnection between Italy and France, called Piedmont – Savoy, and the Dolo-Camin line involving the electricity transmission grid of the North-East. The authorization measures, at the conclusion of the services conference, were signed by the Director-General for Energy, Sara Romano, and are now to be signed by the Ministry of Environment, which had already given its approval to both projects.

In particular, the new interconnection with France involves laying two direct current underground cables, about 95 km in length, from the Piossasco power station in the province of Turin, using the infrastructure of the A32 motorway, with a service tunnel being built alongside the existing Frejus tunnel. In France the power line will reach the power station of Grande - Ile. The project involves laying two parallel cables of 500 MW each, the first owned by Terna, to be managed as a "public line", the second, owned by Transenergia, which may be used as a private or merchant line, with the agreement of the respective regulatory authorities.

March 25, 2011


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