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An important element is added in the context of the Italian Presidency 2019-2020

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The Italian Ministry of economic development (MiSE) kicks off another relevant initiative within the framework of the Italian 2019-2020 Chairmanship of the European Blockchain Partnership. The OECD’s Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities will carry out a study in Italy, focused on the development of the Italian blockchain ecosystem. The study, financed by MiSE, is centered on the impact of this emerging technology on Italian Startups and SMEs.

Italy is the first European country to lead such a study, in so confirming the prominent role, strongly desired by Minister Luigi Di Maio, that our country is taking on in the international scenario on digitization-related topics. The blockchain and in general the emerging technologies can trigger new development paths for our startups and SMEs and initiatives such as the OECD study will help us verifying the impact of the measures implemented by the Minister Di Maio”, said Marco Bellezza, Legal Counsel to Minister Di Maio for communications and digital innovation.

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