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The Report aims to show the regulatory changes that have been part of the Government's strategy to support the ecosystem of innovative companies from March 2014 to date. It describes the "demographic" dynamics of innovative startups, which form the main focus of this edition, as well as of the certified incubators and innovative SMEs registered in the special sections of the Register of Companies. It also analyses the initial results generated by the policy instruments that make up the Italian "Startup Act", and highlights additional initiatives for the ecosystem that were introduced after the Growth Decree 2.0 (Decreto crescita 2.0).

In this period, the Government's commitment to supporting innovative businesses reached an important turning point with the enactment of the "Investment Compact" decree-law, which extended some of the support measures provided to innovative startups to a new range of enterprises, that is, innovative SMEs. This covers all small and medium-sized businesses operating in the field of technological innovation, regardless of their date of incorporation and their corporate purposes.

As of 30 June 2015, there were 4,206 innovative startups registered in the special section of the Companies Register of the Chambers of Commerce, including over 3,000 created after the Growth Decree 2.0 came into force: 18% in 2015, 35% in 2014, 23% in 2013 and only 24% before 2013. Each week, from Milan to Palermo, on average, 40 new innovative businesses are established and added to the special section of the Register that gives access to the system of supports. Eight provinces now have, on a stable basis, a quota of at least 100 innovative startups (Milan, Rome, Turin, Bologna, Naples, Modena, Florence and Trento). 

Report (3 Mb)


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